Real-Time Marketing Report for Q1: 2021

Real-Time Marketing Report

This quarterly report covers Email and Web Personalization plus Cart and Browse Recovery results for Q1 2021: Jan-Mar based on the performance of Fresh Relevance clients.

In Q1 2021, our average client doing web personalization made $122K extra sales for each $1M of turnover.

And our average client doing Cart and Browse abandonment made $133K extra sales for each $1M of turnover (37% more than cart abandonment emails alone).

Average identification rates for cart abandonment are 43.8%, and 13.3% for browse abandonment.


This Quarter Figures


Sales Uplift from Web


Extra sales attributed to Fresh Relevance compared to normal sales

Sales Uplift from Recovery Emails

13.29% (8.4% from Cart Recovery plus 4.9% if Browse Recovery is done too.)

Extra sales attributed to Fresh Relevance compared to normal sales

Proportion of Carts Abandoned

59.22% by number

Number of abandoned carts/total number of carts

Proportion of revenue from Browse Recovery


Browse Recovery revenue/Cart and Browse Recovery revenue (for clients doing both)

Average identification rate for Cart Abandonment



Average identification rate for Browse Abandonment



Average return from a single Cart Recovery Email



Average return from a single Browse Rcovery Email




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Calendar Icon 04/29/2021