Legal Documents

Fresh Relevance Ltd is registered in England no 07754049, with VAT Number: 120 5421 68.
Fresh Relevance Inc is incorporated in Delaware USA.

This page and all linked pages are liable to change, so you must check back here regularly. You can see what’s changed by looking at the dates. There’s no date if a document has been unchanged for more than a year.

The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fresh Relevance is a trademark of Fresh Relevance Ltd.

Links for Fresh Relevance Marketing Website

  1. Terms&Conditions. By using this marketing website, you agree to these terms.
  2. Cookie Policy. By using this marketing website, you agree to its use of cookies.
  3. Privacy Policy. How we use and protect your data.
  4. Copyright © 2011-2021 Fresh Relevance Ltd.
  5. Cookie Details

Forms and Contract for Fresh Relevance Inc

  1. Customer Terms and Conditions (29/06/2023)
  2. US Reseller Agreement (14/11/2019)
  3. Fresh Relevance Data Processing Addendum (24/01/2024)
  4. Service Level Agreement
  5. Fresh Relevance Platinum Support
  6. End User License Agreement (EULA) (May 2024)

Forms and Contract for Fresh Relevance Ltd

  1. Customer Terms and Conditions (16/05/2024)
  2. UK Reseller Agreement (16/05/2024)
  3. Fresh Relevance Data Processing Addendum (24/01/2024)
  4. Service Level Agreement
  5. Fresh Relevance Platinum Support
  6. End User License Agreement (EULA) (May 2024)

Data Protection and GDPR

  1. Fresh Relevance Data Processing Addendum (24/01/2024)
  2. GDPR Data Processing Addendum: Approved Sub-processors (December 2023)
  3. GDPR Article 30 information for Clients: Log on to Fresh Relevance and go to Help | Integration
  4. To request any of your GDPR rights about the Fresh Relevance marketing website or our sales and marketing activities, your quickest way is to email us at [email protected].
  5. To request any of your GDPR rights about any of our clients who is using the Fresh Relevance SaaS system for their website, you should contact them first because they are the Data Controller and we are one of their Processors. You’re welcome to contact us instead, at the addresses in the previous bullet point, and we’ll still help you, but we’ll have to pass your request to our client, so you’ll find it quicker to contact them directly.

Registration and Compliance

Fresh Relevance is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for GDPR and privacy, complies with ISO 26000, and has an EU GDPR representative.

  1. Registration Certificate (to 2025)
  2. Data protection register entry
  3. Security tested by Crest Certified experts

Registered Trademarks

  1. Fresh Relevance
  2. Fresh Relevance Logos

Company Name Change

Fresh Relevance Ltd was originally called Triggered Messaging Ltd, until its name changed in April 2015, to reflect the increased breadth of what we offer. Both these names continue to refer to the same company: registered in England no 07754049, with VAT Number: 120 5421 68. If you are doing due diligence and spot a different company with our old name, that’s ours too – it’s dormant and not trading; we just registered it to protect the old name.