Loyalty experts share their best practices for building trust and boosting conversions

We know that building a loyal base of customers doesn’t happen through guesswork and that there’s no way of knowing what your customers want in return for their loyalty without asking them or conducting rigorous, time-consuming tests (unless you’re psychic).

But amidst tighter budgets, and an ever-expanding pool of competitors, retaining loyal customers has never been more important. That’s why we’ve invited the loyalty experts at Feefo to share their best practices for building trust and boosting conversions.

We’ll be covering:

  • Action-orientated tips on how to reconvert existing customers and build trust
  • A medley of best-in-class digital marketing campaigns from leading brands
  • Learn what consumers want and don’t want from the eCommerce customer experience
  • How they want to hear from brands and what communications they want to receive
  • The rewards they expect in return for their loyalty

In partnership with:


Vicky Beech

Partnerships Manager

Fresh Relevance

Chantelle Knoetze

Customer Success Director


Nicola Renshaw

Head of PR & Customer Marketing


11:00 AM

Introduction and welcome

11:05 AM

The three Cs of customer loyalty

In our talk, we’ll be revealing the results from our new loyalty report which provides critical insights into what consumers want and don’t want from the customer experience, how they want to hear from brands and what communications they want to receive.

11:20 AM

What good customer service looks like: real-life examples from our clients

Nicola Renshaw and Chantelle Knoetze, Feefo

11:35 AM

Q+A session

11:45 AM

Webinar finishes

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