Turbocharge revenue with personalized product recommendations

Delight your customers with irresistible one-to-one shopping experiences. Personalized product recommendations across channels increase conversions, boost average order value (AOV), and fuel an uplift in sales — all because shoppers can quickly find what they are looking for.

Inspire shoppers with love-at-first-sight personalized product recommendations

Cutting edge features, seamless integrations with industry-leading platforms, and a drag-and-drop interface. What’s not to love!


Build with ease. Deploy with confidence with Fresh Relevance

Design scalable personalization experiences with an easy-to-use drag and drop interface. Preview and fine tune your personalized content from the POV of your customer segment before it goes live.

Drag-and-drop rules to ensure you show the right content, with fall back options to your shoppers

personalized recommendations

Boost sales and AOV with compelling product recommendations

Choose from over 40+ data sources to help create the merchandising strategy that’s right for your business and converts shoppers at every touchpoint!

behavioral triggers

Convert more with behavioral triggers

Step it up with behavioral targeting based on shopper preferences and activities. Begin with recommendations in their preferred price range and follow with cross-channel engagement using behavioral targeting segments such as high-spenders, recently browsed is back-in-stock or lapsed purchasers.

Send shoppers notifications if they viewed a product that was out of stock which is now back in stock

We help you make engaging customer experiences a reality. Our powerful AI-optimized eCommerce personalization solution saves you time, integrates with your tech stack, and delivers seamless customer experiences via your website, app, emails, SMS and paid social — all without waiting on IT.

upword-green-arrow in sales
upword-green-arrow in conversions
upword-green-arrow in AOV

Get a personalized demo now


Best-sellers & trending

Suggest products that are trending with other shoppers right now.


People like you buy

Suggest the most likely purchase by comparing the shopper’s purchase history with the purchasing behavior of other customers who’ve viewed this product.


Similar products

Suggest products which are similar to the product on the current page, based on the contents of product details, using Natural Language Processing.


Purchased together

Suggest complementary products based on what people who bought this product have ended up buying with it.


After viewing this, people buy

Suggest products that shoppers who viewed this product most often went on to buy.


Related Products

Suggest products you’ve defined as related to the current product for merchandising purposes.


“On the homepage, we have ‘people like you buy’ recommendations, with a fallback to ‘frequently browsed’ and ‘new arrivals’. With product recommendations, we’ve seen shoppers convertingatdoubletherate of the site average.”

Nathan Amery, Jewellerybox

“On the homepage, we have ‘people like you buy’ recommendations, with a fallback to ‘frequently browsed’ and ‘new arrivals’. With product recommendations, we’ve seen shoppers convertingatdoubletherate of the site average.”

Nathan Amery, Head of Digital Marketing, Jewellerybox

Customer-approved eCommerce personalization

Fresh Relevance has an unrivaled suite of personalization tools that allow you to orchestrate and automate revenue-generating experiences across the customer lifecycle. Choose a tech partner with unparalleled onboarding and support — one whose primary goal is your success and growth.

Book a personalized demo now.

Turn your dream customer experience into a reality.
