case study
Sunuva increases their sales by 8.9% using Fresh Relevance cart abandonment emails from Fresh Relevance
Discover how Sunuva increases sales using cart abandonment tactics.

“We have received excellent support, technical expertise and account management, which has helped us to grow as a brand. For Sunuva this has beenawinningformula.“
“The company offers a very good cart abandonment solution in terms of both cost and functionality,” explains Chapman.
Sunuva is a UK-based retailer of kids UV swimwear and beachwear that is validated by the British Skin Foundation. Its products are stocked in major department stores and independent boutiques all around the world, and the brand has a strong celebrity following. The company approached Fresh Relevance with the aim of increasing revenues from its eCommerce site.
“There was a clear opportunity to grow turnover by improving our approach to cart abandonment,” comments Head of E-Commerce at Sunuva, Jonathan Chapman. The company had been trying to manage the process manually with members of the team chasing lost leads one by one – but it was a time-consuming process. Chapman had previous experience of using cart abandonment solutions and approached Fresh Relevance.
Cart abandonment program
By automating cart abandonment, Sunuva was able to eliminate the manual process. Chapman observes how this immediately benefited the company: “We are a small team, so the valuable time we have gained is now able to be spent on other initiatives that help to drive our business forwards.” One such initiative was planning the relaunch of its new website, for which Sunuva and Fresh Relevance worked together to introduce a greater degree of personalization, improve the customer experience and drive revenue growth.
Through our cart abandonment strategy we achieved a significant return-on-investment from day one, increasing turnover by 8.9%.” Chapman adds: “This gave us all the confidence and motivation we needed to explore the full range of services Fresh Relevance has to offer.”

Product recommendations
The new website now provides customers with helpful product recommendations based not only on their browsing behavior, but also real-time crowd-sourced data of other visitors. In addition to the website, the content of customer email communications is also being transformed with content being tailored to the individual rather than generic offers.
“Fresh Relevance provides an indispensable service,” concludes Chapman. “Since we began working with the team we have received excellent support, technical expertise and account management, which has helped us to grow as a brand. For Sunuva this has been a winning formula.”