Reduce bounce rates by increasing site speed

If your site takes more than 3 seconds to load, you could be losing 40% of your website visitors.

Don’t let a sluggish site stop your company from achieving its conversion rate potential.

Discover how to audit your page speed in our easy-to-follow checklist, created in collaboration with jewellerybox – the UK’s fastest fashion website.

You’ll learn how to:

  •  Audit your tags and third-party services
  • Use loading images and content delivery networks
  • Minimize the impact of web fonts
  • Benfit from personalization without slowing down your site

See what’s inside:
It’s always been the case that the faster your site loads, the lower your bounce rate will be. That’s because you avoid the chances of frustrated website visitors abandoning your site to find what they’re looking for elsewhere.

In fact, research shows that almost half of consumers expect a web page to load in two seconds or less and 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load. What’s more, with Google’s focus on page experience in the form of their Core Web Vitals update, page speed is becoming an increasingly important factor in how well your site ranks.

We worked with jewellerybox – the UK’s fastest fashion website – to bring you this guide to auditing your page speed, packaged in an easy-to-follow checklist.

Keep reading to discover three ways to improve your page speed.

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