case study
Fashion retailer boosts results for Black Friday and beyond with triggered emails and onsite personalization
Find out how this fashion retailer recovers abandoned cart and browse revenue, boosts conversions and increases their email database.

When a UK based fashion retailer acquired two big brands, they needed a tool to help them accelerate their current marketing efforts by connecting email and website through personalization to boost customer engagement and conversions.
Product recommendations
The retailer makes use of product recommendation SmartBlocks in their marketing emails and has worked with Fresh Relevance to ensure the recommendations are on brand. “I worked with Fresh Relevance and our designer to make the recommendation SmartBlocks match the design of our emails,” says the retailer’s CRM Executive. “Fresh Relevance has taken the stress out of product recommendations. There’s less work across the team and we don’t have to go to and fro between marketing and design,” they continue.
The team is also using product recommendations onsite, including similar product recommendations on the product pages.

Triggered emails & dynamic content
“It’s easy to slot in the correct messaging and use the timer rules so I don’thavetoremovethebannersmanually once the sale or promotion is over”
Dynamic banners have also been useful when it comes to promoting sales, particular promotions or extended returns, for example. “It’s easy to slot in the correct messaging and use the timer rules so I don’t have to remove the banners manually once the sale or promotion is over,” says the retailer’s CRM Executive, who goes on to explain, “The banners and the timers are easy to set up and they’ve been really useful throughout Black Friday, Cyber Monday and periods where we offer different deals every day. I set most of the Black Friday banners up the week before, and it was one less thing to worry about during this busy shopping season.”
The retailer uses Fresh Relevance to power their multi-step cart and browse abandonment programs, adding dynamic banners to display the types of products the recipient has abandoned. This has been particularly useful for one particular brand, allowing them to display specific banners for their biggest category sellers, such as boots and coats. “The brand sells expensive coats, so it’s nice to add that personalized touch for browse and cart abandoners of this particular category,” says the retailer’s CRM Executive. Through category abandonment, the retailer has the ability to drive consistent, relevant and personalized outreach at scale.
The retailer’s abandonment emails highlight the option to pay via Klarna and split the cost into three. To optimize this feature further, the team worked with Fresh Relevance to display the exact cost of each payment. “Fresh Relevance built custom code for us to display the cost of each payment,” explains the retailer’s CRM Executive. By displaying the exact cost of each payment, the retailer gives customers more control over their spending, allowing them to plan their purchases effectively during the expensive festive period and beyond.
Data capture
“During Black Friday we had issues with our transactional emails not sending, so I used a popover on the help and checkout pages to alert customers. I was abletoimplementthisquickly as I didn’t need to involve the dev team. It was a real savior, since we’re a small team.”
The retailer uses Fresh Relevance’s data capture functionality, which has been particularly useful in the run-up to Black Friday to grow their database with popovers encouraging website visitors to share their details to be the first to hear about Black Friday deals.
The popovers have also proven handy in providing last minute updates to customers. The retailer’s CRM Executive explains: “During Black Friday we had issues with our transactional emails not sending, so I used a popover on the help and checkout pages to alert customers. I was able to implement this quickly as I didn’t need to involve the dev team. It was a real savior, since we’re a small team.”
With Fresh Relevance removing previous constraints on their resources, the team is able to maximize their time and efforts and focus on strategic growth.
Support & account management
“Supportisoneofthebestfeatures of Fresh because they’re so quick. Often they’ll reply within 10 minutes, which isn’t the case with a lot of other companies that we work with.”
When discussing the support the retailer gets from Fresh Relevance, their CRM Executive states: “Support is one of the best features of Fresh because they’re so quick. Often they’ll reply within 10 minutes, which isn’t the case with a lot of other companies that we work with.” They continue: “We also have regular calls with our dedicated account manager. They’ve created a dedicated roadmap for us to provide direction of growth, which we discuss regularly. They always let us know if something new is coming and keep us up to date with industry trends, new features and successes they’ve experienced that could benefit our business.”
Future plans
To further improve agility, the retailer plans to make use of Fresh Relevance’s new Experience Management tool, which will ensure that planned campaigns can be fully prepared, reviewed, tested and scheduled in advance to automatically go live.