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34 website personalization stats you need to know, now

June 13th 2023

Camilla Bass

By Camilla Bass

Senior Content Marketing Manager


Website personalization is also known as one-to-one marketing because it allows marketers to treat customers as individuals. And in today’s crowded digital environment, providing a one-to-one customer experience to your website visitors helps online businesses stand out.

Web personalization encompasses a whole range of marketing activities, including:

  • Product recommendations that are based on behavior rather than wisdom of the crowd or business rules
  • Dynamic website personalization that show a shopper’s favorite brands on the homepage or highlight content based on the shopper’s location or the weather forecast for their area
  • Personalized website navigation that highlights the shopper’s favorite categories
  • Website pop-ups and banners that are tailored to the shopper’s browse behavior on site or lifecycle stage

Successful website customization ties in with personalized content across email and other channels to provide consumers with a tailored, consistent cross-channel customer experience by making use of user data. True web personalization engages your target audience through content that meets their current needs and desires.

Providing shoppers with highly relevant recommendations on the website is a crucial part of eCommerce personalization, as it is effective when it comes to generating sales and helps create a unified cross-channel shopping experience. By using customer data including their previous interactions on your website, your personalization efforts will be rewarded.

Still need convincing? Here’s a list of website personalization stats that will change your mind.

Website personalization

1. 89% of digital businesses are investing in personalization. (Forrester)

2. 4 in 5 companies (80%) report an uplift since implementing personalization. (Econsultancy)

3. 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company that offers personalized experiences. (Epsilon Marketing)

4. 71% of consumers expect personalization. (McKinsey)

5. 76% of consumers get frustrated when companies don’t use personalization. (McKinsey)

6. 80% of customers now consider the experience a company provides to be as important as its products and services. (Salesforce)

7. Personalization can increase the efficiency of marketing spend by 10 to 30 percent. (McKinsey)

8. 94% of companies experienced a rise in conversion rates after personalizing their websites. (Econsultancy)

Web personalization demo CTA

9. Basic website personalization can give a 14% sales uplift.  (Fresh Relevance)

10. 22% of consumers find it frustrating when they opt out of marketing emails about a specific event, such as Mother’s Day, but the online retailer then shows them promotions around the event when they visit the website. (Fresh Relevance)

11. 89%: of millennials are interested in receiving personalized offers, leading all demographics. (Pymnts)

Here’s an example of how a home page banner can be personalized based on the shopper’s favorite product category.

Product recommendations

11. 45% of online shoppers are more likely to shop on a site that offers personalized recommendations. (Invesp)

12. 71% of eCommerce websites offer product recommendations. (Internet Retailing)

13. Personalized product recommendations can increase click-throughs by more than 100%, versus generic product recommendations. (Fresh Relevance)

14. 79% of consumers are willing to share relevant information about themselves for personalized product recommendations. (Salesforce)

15. 38% of consumers say they won’t return to an online retailer that recommends things that don’t make sense for them. (Salesforce)

16. Onsite product recommendations can give a 112% sales uplift. (Fresh Relevance)

17. Personalized product recommendations increase average order value by 10%. (Salesforce)

18. Personalized product recommendations can increase website conversion rate by 49%. (Fresh Relevance)

Personalized product recommendation example

Here’s an example of personalized product recommendations.


19. More than half of online shoppers (57%) are OK with providing personal information as long as it is for their benefit. (Invesp)

20. The average conversion rate for all pop-ups is 3.09%. The top performers average 9.28% conversion rates. (Sumo)

21. A targeted popover can increase monthly subscribe rate by 600%. (Fresh Relevance)

Personalized popover example

Personalized popover example

Popovers can be tailored to the customer’s lifecycle stage. Tempt new customers with the offer of a discount, and welcome returning browsers with their last viewed product.


22. Coupon users spend 26% more than shoppers who don’t use them. (Blippr)

23. 68% of consumers are more likely to join a retailer’s/brand’s marketing list if they receive an instant coupon. (CodeBroker)

24. 68% of consumers say that coupons generate loyalty. (Invesp)

25. 67% of consumers are highly in favor of personalized coupons. (Infosys)

26. 74% of online shoppers prefer discounts that indicate “percentage off” savings. (Blippr)

27. 59% of shoppers look for discount codes before making a purchase online. (Invesp)

28. 1 in 4 consumers (25%) find it frustrating when a retailer sends them a coupon code but doesn’t show them the code anywhere on their website. (Fresh Relevance)

Personalized coupons platform demo


29. 67% of smartphone users say they’re more likely to buy from companies whose mobile sites or apps customize information to their location. (Google)

30. 80% of consumers say that they would like to get location-based alerts from businesses. (Linchpin)

31. 42% of consumers want online retailers to display stock availability in their nearest store for products they are browsing. (Fresh Relevance)

Site search

32. 1 in 3 consumers (33%) get frustrated when the search results are irrelevant. (Fresh Relevance)

33. 1 in 4 consumers (24%) get frustrated when the results show out of stock items. (Fresh Relevance)

34. 1 in 5 consumers (20%) want to see alternative products when the search brings back no results. (Fresh Relevance)

Now you’ve seen the stats, it’s time to start your website personalization strategy as part of your digital marketing. Take a look at our checklist and see which four areas of your eCommerce website you should start personalizing now.

Download the checklist: 4 Areas of Your Ecommerce Website That Should Be Personalized