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New ESP integration: Iterable customers can power email personalization via Fresh Relevance

April 6th 2021

Lucy Russell

By Lucy Russell

Head of Product Management

We’ve added another ESP integration to our expanding portfolio – Iterable.

Iterable is a cross-channel marketing platform that powers unified customer experiences and empowers users to create, optimize and measure every interaction across the entire customer journey.

The Fresh Relevance platform captures behavioral and transactional data from website visitors, identifies visitors with sophisticated data capture tools and provides a comprehensive suite of cross-channel personalization tactics to provide customers with a tailored experience that sets our clients apart from their competitors.

Fresh Relevance’s features integrate seamlessly with Iterable’s email functionality to help our joint clients create conversion-boosting campaigns.

Here’s how our joint clients can benefit from the integration.

Triggered emails

Fresh Relevance provides advanced triggered email options, such as price drop, back-in-stock, abandoned browse session and cart abandonment. Iterable clients can send triggered emails via Iterable, but will benefit from higher ROI.

Joint clients can increase conversions further by using Fresh Relevance to add personalized content to their triggered email campaigns, such as dynamic hero banners and personalized product recommendations.

The Fresh Relevance system can also trigger post-purchase emails sent via Iterable containing AI-driven product recommendations, such as products that are frequently purchased with the item the customer has just bought, helping to drive the next purchase.

Sending highly targeted, personalized emails is a proven way to boost revenue and increase engagement with the brand. In fact, organizations using Fresh Relevance to send both browse and cart abandonment emails see an average 21% sales uplift.

Bulk emails

Joint clients can also use Fresh Relevance to include personalized content in their bulk email campaigns, adding AI-driven recommendations, countdown timers, live social media feeds, and much more.

Including personalized content in bulk marketing emails is proven to boost results. One Fresh Relevance client saw a 24% sales uplift when using Fresh Relevance product recommendations in their newsletters.

Through the integration, joint clients can also export and import data, add contacts to workflows, and send individual emails.

Book a demo to find out how your business could benefit from our integration with Iterable.

Book a demo to get started with Iterable and Fresh Relevance

Lucy Russell

By Lucy Russell

Head of Product Management

As Head of Product Management at Fresh Relevance, Lucy works closely with our customers and the wider team to shape the product roadmap and oversees the roll-out of all new features.