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Benefit from real-time, cross-channel personalization.

Instiller users choose Fresh Relevance to:

  • Extend personalization from email, right through the website.
  • Use live social content feeds in any email or web page.
  • Target social ads with behavioral data.
  • Customize any email element, including subject line, CTA, banners, recommendations.

Provide a slick email experience that’s unique to each subscriber

By joining up Fresh Relevance and Instiller, you can make great, personalized emails that generate click-throughs and revenue in minutes.

Fresh Relevance collects real-time behavioral data and product data as customers shop and browse on the website. Our platform integrates it with data collected in your ESP and uses Machine Learning to analyze it. We also offer a comprehensive set of digital marketing tools to personalize the emails that you build with Instiller’s modern templates and intuitive email editor. All emails are sent through your existing email platform.

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Comprehensive set of cross-channel personalization tools

Features include dynamic content, social proof, behavioral targeting, advanced email capture, product recommendations and triggered emails.

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Behavioral and contextual targeting

You can join up data to design sophisticated campaigns based on a wealth of insights, such as customer preferences, actions and inactions, geolocation and local weather.

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Extensive dashboards

Access granular insights into how each segment is performing. Test and optimize marketing based on customer behavior and ROI.

Quick & easy implementation

Thanks to the pre-built integration with Instiller, getting started is just a question of entering your Fresh Relevance client account and API key into Instiller and following the step-by-step set-up instructions within Instiller.

To collect customer data and personalize the experience across channels, Fresh Relevance can be added to any website with a few clicks.