Fresh Relevance integration with Magnolia - screenshot

Magnolia logo

Magnolia is a content platform that serves as a DXP and a headless CMS. The Magnolia content platform combines the functionality of an enterprise DXP suite with the flexibility of an API-first headless solution, helping customers deliver scalability at speed.

Fresh Relevance SmartBlocks can be added to websites that have been built with the Magnolia editor. Keep reading to learn more.

Magnolia users choose Fresh Relevance to:

  • Identify more shoppers, for example using sophisticated ESP integration
  • Personalize emails with cart contents, product recommendations and more
  • Test and optimize
  • Add Browse Abandonment Recovery to bring back even more shoppers
  • Display dynamic content across channels
  • Only pay for what’s needed with our flexible subscriptions

One platform to analyze customer data, personalize and optimize

Fresh Relevance offers you all the web and email marketing tools you ever wanted in one easy-to-use system. Thanks to our robust integration with Magnolia, you can effortlessly use your shop data to build powerful personalization campaigns, fueled by real-time data insights.

Are you kicking off your first personalization initiative? Or are you a seasoned marketer looking to squeeze more revenue out of existing tactics? Fresh Relevance is great at delivering basic campaigns. And awesome at solving your specific challenges.

Performance Dashboard


Harvest customer insight to drive orders and treat shoppers differently, whether they’re just browsing, one-time buyers or lapsed customers.


Use behavioral targeting and advanced segmentation to achieve your unique goals, e.g. sell your high-margin items, turn new customers into repeat purchasers or increase CLV.


Demonstrate the effectiveness of your initiatives, discover which tactics help you meet your KPIs and optimize marketing based on customer behavior.

Data at your fingertips

Data at your fingertips

Quickly and easily implement Fresh Relevance with just a few clicks. You can integrate Magnolia transactional and behavioral data with any other marketing platform and enrich your systems with the data you collect in Fresh Relevance.